Chocolate Fondue
Does anybody else feel like this coooold March on the East Coast keeps dragging? Well, it is still National Nutrition Month, so we might as well keep working on our summer bodies while we wait for the weather to warm up. Speaking of warm, I have another healthy,...
Slim Sloppy Joes

Superfoods for Heart Health
Since February is American Heart Month, I wanted to share with you some amazing heart-healthy foods. Each of these ingredients is great on its own, BUT they are all found together in one of my favorite new products: Supernola, which is a new superfood granola. Check...
Chicken Zucchini Boats
A few weeks ago, my husband and I went to pick up lunch at a market we like in Westchester. I was getting my usual salad, and he decided on a zucchini boat, which happened to look delicious. As we sat down to eat, I of course had to taste his dish. Yes, it was pretty...
Food For Thought

Green Egg Salad
I have always been a fan of “salads”: tuna salad, chicken salad, and egg salad. And I will admit that I do enjoy the taste of mayonnaise. Since it is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, I love finding alternative recipes to make healthy, but tasty dishes. With...
Eat Your Way To A Slimmer Stomach
When it comes to achieving a flat stomach or “six pack,” strength training like classes, abdominal work, and cardiovascular exercise are only part of the must-do’s for toning up your midsection. Those abs will remain hidden unless you’re also...
Chocolate Overnight Oats
Yes, that’s right: I said CHOCOLATE! This is a great, healthy way to give into one of our most popular cravings. Instead of sitting and eating an entire chocolate bar or indulging in a decadent dessert, I’ve created a recipe so you can healthfully enjoy...
Uniform Labeling On Groceries

Overnight Oats
I have a confession: I have been looking at, admiring recipes for, and even recommending overnight oats to friends and clients for a while now. But it was not until yesterday that I actually made some for myself. There is no particular reason: I eat plenty of hot...
Healthy Foods For Super Summer Skin
Along with hot, sunny weather, summer also means increased sweat, salty ocean water, pool chlorine, and tans and sunburns – which all take a toll on your skin and should be solved with the effectiveness of cream you use, but with the biolabs pro products you can...
Turkey Tacos/Salad
This is a great low-fat alternative to red meat, filled with fiber, and fun for older kids to help create their signature dish while selecting their own toppings. Mom and dad can enjoy a low-carb version by enjoying a taco salad. Ingredients: Lean ground turkey meat...
Lamb Stew
Lean red meat is a healthy option when enjoyed in moderation. Plus this hearty meal provides some welcoming warmth on a cold winter’s day. Lamb can be one of baby’s first foods as it is easily digested when pureed. Ingredients: 1.25 pounds of lean cubed lamb meat...
Spicy Crusted Salmon
Salmon is packed with Omega 3 fatty acids that are essential for baby’s brain development. They offer improved brain function, mood, and heart-healthy for everyone. Salmon is also very high in Vitamins D and B12. The panko and spices will cut any “fish” taste that...
Calcium for KIDS
My child is lactose-intolerant. What are some good alternatives for calcium-rich, kid-friendly foods? According to my nanny who I found at Care.com, (you can find Care.com coupons here, https://www.groupon.com/coupons/stores/care.com) MILK IS A MUST for most kids to...
Lower-Calorie Holiday Drink Recipes
Wine Spritzer (Instead of a full glass of wine/champagne, this has half the calories.) Ingredients: 3 oz white wine (Sauvignon Blanc, Reisling, etc), 1 oz club soda, handful of ice, lemon or orange garnish Directions: Pour wine into glass containing ice. Top off with...
Drink Less Calories this Holiday Season
The holidays are officially upon us once again. And we know ‘tis the season to eat and drink. Whether you will be drinking to celebrate or beat the shopping and family stress, here are some tips to decrease the amount of calories that go into your body this winter....
Vegetable Macaroni and Cheese
This white/yellow dish will appeal to those picky eaters who don’t love their vegetables! It is a high-fiber, lower-fat version of the always-favored mac and cheese. Serve with a salad or green vegetable to balance out the meal. Ingredients: 1 cup uncooked whole...
Peach Sauce
Have you ever wondered why those trendy baby food diets are so alluring? If you have ever made or tasted fresh, delicious foods like this one, you will see why! This is a fun alternative to typical apple sauce, and is amazing when the fruit is in season. Using...
The pH Diet
Fall/Winter Foods for Healthy Skin
Many factors are involved in decreased skin quality and aging. Hormone imbalance, inflammation, infections, and free radicals (oxidative stress) are internal mechanisms that can exacerbate skin deterioration and aging. To take good care of your skin you can use the...
Herbed Chicken and Rice
This is just good old chicken and vegetables. The marinating and slow-cooking are the secrets to full tender flavor. Ingredients: 1 pound raw chicken breast, 1 sweet onion-chopped, 1/2 bag baby carrots and/or 2 chopped yellow or orange peppers, 10 stalks of...
Baked Apples
Perfect for a snack or even with oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast, this sweet treat tastes like the apple pie without the pie. For those who prefer the crunch, they can enjoy their apple topped with a couple tablespoons of graham cracker crumble or granola....
Back to School
It’s September and that means back-to-school for the kids! Healthy balanced meals and snacks are important to fuel their brains and bodies for growth, studying, homework, and activities. from home for fun and recreation, just like with the jumpers from...
The Balanced Barbeque
With Father’s Day just ending and the 4th of July right around the corner, it is clear we have entered barbeque season. We race towards the weekend when we can hang with family and friends, have some fun, get outside, and enjoy the sun. Backyards and grills become...
Banana Blueberry Smoothie
Give your baby yogurt without the added sugar of the store-bought brands. Or add a straw and some ice to create a frozen protein-packed treat for yourself or your budding athlete. Ingredients: Greek or nonfat plain yogurt (Greek yogurt is thicker and higher in...
Breakfast Potatoes/Potato Scramble
Make your own “Home Fries”, which are just as delicious, and way more nutritious, than deep fried potatoes. Plus these have added fiber from the vegetables. Enjoy for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Ingredients: 1 medium diced white, red, or Yukon gold potato, ½ cup...
Wine and Dine
Should we wine while we dine? According to recent research, a glass (or two) a day may be more than just fine! Past studies have shown that resveratrol, the antioxidant found in red grape skins and therefore in red wine, helps to promote: anti-aging...
Sleep Patterns And Weight Loss

6 Ways to Enjoy Holiday Foods
(CBS) – It seems the holiday season was made for fatty foods. Many people will soon be gathering with friends and family, eating cookies cakes and pies. But there are ways you can enjoy some seasonal foods without overdoing it. Dietician Robin Kaiden suggests: 1...
School Lunch Ideas

Fun School Lunches

Travel Lite: BBQ

Travel Lite: Seafood
The best places to eat fish is when you travel to different places or you can go fishing while camping with the best outdoor gear from Survival Cooking! You can choose the best destinations you want. Good luck!