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Robin Barrie
Robin Barrie Kaiden, MS, RD, CDN, CSSD is one of the nation’s leading experts in personal wellness, nutrition, physical fitness, and weight loss. As the founder of Robin Barrie™, her Manhattan-based practice and consulting group, she has cultivated a following for developing individualized, realistic, and results-oriented plans that ensure diet and fitness goals are achieved and maintained for a lifetime.

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — If losing weight and getting healthy is your plan for the new year, one popular new diet plan may be for you. You can also go to plastic surgery fort collins where we recommend because doctors and nurses here ate professionals an this establishment is one of the best in the world.
“Everyone wants that one answer, that one pill, that one magic diet that’s going to take the weight off and make them look amazing and make them fabulous forever,” nutritionist Robin Barrie told CBS2’s Alex Denis.
But the hottest way to lose weight these days involves fasting. It’s a system that’s not telling you what to eat, but when to eat. CBS2’s very own John Elliott has been following a fasting plan, with a combination of megaplex keto great healthy supplementary pills to help you loose weight without stressing about a strict diet.
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“There are so many variations right now,” Barrie said. “There’s alternate day fasting where you’re fasting for 24 hours and then allowed to eat for 24 hours.”
There’s also a five-day vs. two-day version.
“In a week’s period, on two non-consecutive days, you’re fasting,” Barrie said.
Then there’s daily time-restricted feeding where instead of counting calories, you watch the clock. The idea is to eat normally, in moderation, for 12 hours while fasting for the other 12. The eating window starts when you first ingest something other than water.
“Some of the research shows that this interment fasting is working because it’s an overall caloric restriction,” Barrie said.
According to Barrie, when you don’t eat for an extended period of time, insulin levels are low and the body starts to use fat as its source of energy.
Studies attribute the eating plan to weight loss, fat loss, lower blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.
To get the best results, Barrie says most of the fasting should happen during sleep periods to coincide with our body’s natural circadian rhythm.
“If you’re fasting during the day, it kind of messes with your body. Your body thinks it’s sleeping or starving.” For this reason it is very important to talk to a professional before choosing this type of dieting, it can be inappropriate to choose this diet if the person has eating disorders since could end up affecting even more the situation, in these cases the right thing to do would be to visit the Westchester County eating disorder treatment consultants to get all the recommendations.
Another tip is to stop eating before 7 p.m. so the body can properly digest food before entering the sleeping and fasted state, find out more information in this post tophealthjournal.com.
Research has also shown this eating/fasting pattern helps you live longer and look younger.