What Our Clients Say
Our intense involvement with all our Clients including Individuals, Corporates, Coaches is visible in what they have to say about us
Our Success Stories

When you choose to work with a Registered Dietitian you are choosing to invest in yourself.
Robin is by far the most skilled and knowledgeable dietitian I have ever worked with. Her plans are HEALTHY and evidence-based. Robin has empowered me and given me the tools to take my health into my own hands. She provides unparalleled support and guidance. I started working with Robin to first feel good in my bathing suit for my 10 year wedding anniversary after having two kids.
I begin to see results immediately. Under her guidance, I began to adopt a more plant-based lifestyle and saw major improvements in my autoimmune disease – which then went into remission!! I’ve lost 12 lbs and kept the weight off and have never felt better in my entire life.
Michelle, 36
Dentist, Mom of 2
I’ve been a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor in NYC for many years and was always able to eat what I wanted. That all changed once I turned 30, and no workout could “out-train” my bad diet. Simply eating clean wasn’t enough, so I turned to Robin, who came highly recommended from friends and clients of mine.
I found her to be very knowledgeable and she definitely held me accountable. She opened my eyes to the small changes that would make a huge change in my body. Who knew that not eating enough would cause you to gain weight? She also brought how many processed “healthy foods” I was eating to my attention. It was definitely difficult breaking my bad habits, but now I look at food differently and have been able to drop my body fat by 5% in 3 months – during the holidays! I’m continuing to keep the weight off and she’s continuing to give me tips, recipes, and ways to stay on track towards my next goal!
Nedra Matosov
Trainer/Instructor/Owner, The P.E. Club

“Before I met Robin, I had tried every diet, cleanse, and exercise routine around. Despite my efforts, I kept gaining weight, and felt hopeless and defeated. With Robin’s support and guidance, I was able to lose 20 pounds and keep it off. I learned that there is no quick fix to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Robin helped me though many ups and downs, while easing me into improved eating patterns. Robin was able to assist in banishing my bad habits for good. She would always remind me that I’m human and it’s okay to make mistakes along the way.The biggest lessons l learned were to drink more water, eat lots of vegetables, fat in foods will not make me fat, eat balanced meals, we all deserve a treat once in while, and this will not hurt my progress.”
Recent Bride, 30 years old, New York, NY

“Robin taught me that too much of a good thing is possible. For me, that was peanut butter. I thought that since it was a “good fat”, it was good for you, so I could have some every day.
I work out hard, and I usually watch what I eat. I never ate peanut butter as a kid, so as an adult I considered my daily few heaping tablespoons from the Crunchy Skippy jar to be the GREATEST treat ever.
One day as I sat with my spoon and Skippy in hand while speaking to Robin, I asked her why I was having trouble losing some weight. She gently told me to “back away from the jar.” I took Robin’s advice, starting skipping the Skippy, and quickly lost 5 pounds!”

“My son would only eat buttered noodles. Robin worked with me and my husband on how to encourage improved intake and provide him with a more balanced diet. Now he’s open to trying new foods and understands that healthy foods will help him to grow big and strong.”
A, Mother of 2 and School Administrator, New York, NY
LEFT: Joseph, 3 years old, enjoys his macaroni and cheese (with added egg whites!)

When I moved from the Midwest to the East Coast, I changed my eating habits in order to become healthier. I ate whole wheat, more chicken and tuna than red meat, and thought I was being healthier.
Robin was able to quickly determine that these exact lifestyle choices were actually causing my acne! Hormones in chicken and milk were causing the cystic acne, and a gluten intolerance was only exacerbating it. By following Robin’s advice, buying organic and cutting most gluten out of my diet, my skin is the clearest it’s ever been. I rarely wear makeup and am no longer afraid to be seen without it. I’m so thankful for her and her nutrition expertise!”
Mackenzie M. – New York, NY

“Robin saved and changed my life. She helped me lose and keep off 20+ pounds over a 5+ year period, and develop better flexibility and get stronger. She’s transitioned my entire diet and workout regimen, and has kept a careful and watchful eye on my day-to-day actions, activities, and routines. She continues to provide guidance to me for taking proper supplements and making better food choices. All of this is very important to me because at my age (56), my lifestyle (married with teenage kids) and my medical issues (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc), I can easily say that I am in the best shape of my life today, both inside and outside. I sought out Robin’s help because at the time I was given a stern warning by my doctor that medication for life was in the cards. Along with these age-appropriate ills, I had developed a bad lower back and incurred various shoulder injuries, which not only limited my workouts (with poor form) but severely handicapped any type of general activity. Walking and standing became a chore! This was probably all a result from going from a skinny college boy to an overweight man in the business world (in excess of 40 pounds since college), in less than 20 years. Pizza and beer were replaced by grilled chicken, salad, and club soda. The leg press was replaced by core exercises. I highly recommend Robin for anyone looking to make a change and make a difference. I call Robin a “Game Changer.”
If you are looking for a quick fix, this is not the place to go. She does it the correct way. The changes happen over time and as a result the changes will stick. No fad, crash course routines here. Think of it this way: it didn’t take me 6 weeks to gain the 40 pounds, so why would it come off quickly? I learned that very valuable lesson from Robin.”
56-year-old-male, Businessman