Apple Sangria

Nov 21, 2021

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Apple Sangria


  • 3 cinnamon stick with extra for garnish
  • 2 chopped honeycrisp apples
  • 1 orange sliced thin
  • 1 bottle red wine (light bodied Spanish works well)
  • 1.75 cups apple cider
  • ½ cup brandy
  • ¼ cup orange juice (or juice from 2 medium oranges)
  • juice from one lemon
  • club soda


  1. Place cinnamon sticks, apples and orange slices into a pitcher.
  2. Add wine, cider, brandy, orange and lemon juice.
  3. Refrigerate for 6-24 hours.
  4. Pour into glasses with fruit, and add extra cinnamon stick to garnish as desired.
  5. Add club soda to taste right before serving. The more club soda vs. mixture, the less calories!
  • Author: Robin Barrie